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On-Field Support

The District Collector is the supervisor, counselor, and guide to the Fellows, in their work to attain developmental outcomes as envisaged under TADP. The following support is expected:

The District Collector

The District Collector is the supervisor, counselor, and guide to the Fellows, in their work to attain developmental outcomes as envisaged under TADP. The following support is expected:

Notification of the DSSU

Notification of the District Strategic Support Unit (DSSU) and introduce the line department District Heads to the PPIA Fellows

Providing working space

Providing working space to the PPIA Fellows in the District Collectorate


Involving the PPIA Fellows

Involving the PPIA Fellows in planning, implementation and monitoring of the focused public programme

Monitoring the performance

Monitoring the performance of the PPIA and participate in the performance feedback process.

State Resource Cell

State Resource Cell would support implementation of the PPIA at the state level in key states. TRIF would place 2-3 Senior persons in the Cell. With regards to the Fellowship, the State cell should see the fellow as an asset to obtain and deliver services for their District. The role of the cell

Supporting districts

Supporting districts in implementation of the PPIA plan and facilitating scaling up of key initiatives.



Identifying cross-cutting issues

Identifying cross-cutting issues related to policy, implementation challenges, sectoral support around key sectors.


Liaison with the critical departments

Liaison with the critical departments at State level, for downstream support at the districts and aligning the line-dept staff towards goals of this programme

Act as a secretariat

Act as a secretariat for the convergence efforts among the key departments contributing to the success implementation of PPIA programme at the state level.

Central Resource Cell

Central Resource Cell will anchor the implementation of PPIA programmes at the central level with the relevant ministry. The roles of the cell are:

Analysing the PPIA plans

Analysing the PPIA plans for each district, and identifying areas for strengthening strategy/ approach.


Analysing progress data

Analyzing progress data of districts through technological tools built for data-driven governance and helping the districts fine-tune strategy.


Innovation and scale

Developing a bank of projects developed from best practices that can foster innovation and scale.



Implementation of PPIA Fellowship

All other tasks/functions necessary for the implementation of PPIA Fellowship.


Fellowship Support Team

The Fellowship Support Team will anchor the overall personal and professional development of PPIA Fellows. The roles of the Fellowship Support Team are as follows:

Recruitment and placement

Recruitment and placement of Fellows in the district.




Administrative policies

Streamlining administrative policies and protocols for the Fellows.



Capacity building programmes

Design and development of induction, orientation and training and ongoing capacity building programmes for AD fellows


Facilitating on field support

Facilitating on field support and mentorship for the fellows in order to enhance their motivation, learning and capacity building processes

Performance tracking

Performance tracking and performance management of Fellows