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The PPIA Curriculum is the essential component of the Fellowship structure that enables the Fellows to tap into their leadership experience. The rigorous learning curriculum enables them to learn through the experiences directly from the field, reflecting on these experiences and apply their reflections immediately within the district administration. Their learning journey is illustrated as the following:

  • Introduction to multidimentional poverty
  • Levers & opportunities for change in rural India
  • Understanding democracy and development
  • “Inclusion, diversity & intersectionality”
  • Power & social perspectives on development
  • “Creative, collaborat ve and convergent bureaucracies”
  • Structure of administration and governance in India
  • Understanding the role of government functionaries in public programmes
  • “Managing variables, knowns and unkowns within public administration”
  • Introducing and nurturing sustainable business processes in public programmes
  • “Understanding day-to-day functions like noting, tendering, proposal writing,etc.”
  • Mobilising resources for the administration
  • Leadership Communication
  • Leading without authority
  • Change Management
  • Visualising impact for self
  • Managing leadership transition
  • Managing polarities
  • Design Thinking
  • Project Management Programme
  • Whole Government Approach
  • Leveraging digitaltransformations
  • Stakeholder mapping & management
  • Policy inputs from grassroots
  • Best practices and innovation across the globe